
Why does the Torah write three times in this context, "va'Yomer Pharaoh El Yosef" (41:39,41,44) ?


Oznayim la'Torah: They represent the three offices to which Pharaoh appointed Yosef 1 in his capacity as viceroy; (a) Minister of the storehouses and provisions; 2 (b) The power to institute new laws related to the current situation, and (c) The appointment of a police force, to guard the storehouses against thieves and against foreign enemies who might attempt to break in and steal the grain. 3


Malbim (to 41:40, 41:41, and 41:44): First Pharaoh put Yosef over his house, then over all of Egypt, and finally, he authorized him to run the country alone, without asking Pharaoh or other nobles. 4


Oznayim la'Torah: It is remarkable how Yosef attained the position of virtual king of Egypt - not only with the consent of, but on the express orders of Pharaoh himself. See Oznayim la'Torah.


Oznayim la'Torah: To oversee the distribution and sale of grain from the king's storehouse during the years of plenty and of famine.


See Oznayim la'Torah who elaborates on all three issues.


Below (to 50:7), Malbim says that the last elevation was to be second to the king.


Why did Pharaoh insert the word "Re'eh"?


Seforno: Pharaoh told Yosef to take note of the responsibility that he had placed on his shoulders, and see that he lives up to it.


Ha'amek Davar: This was to make him zealous to oversee the country.



Rashi writes: "'I have placed you [over the entire land of Egypt]' - [As Targum translates,] 'I have appointed you.'" Why does this require explanation?


Gur Aryeh: One cannot "place" a person over the land in the literal sense. Furthermore, Yosef was already in Egypt (there was no need to "place" him there).

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