
What should the nations give to Him?


Rashi: Kavod and Oz (Radak- verbally).


Malbim: They should attribute everything to Him, and not to anything else.


What is the significance of giving to Him "Kavod va'Oz"?


Malbim: Some Amim admitted to Hashem's existence, but they said that He created the world but does not conduct it; He handed over conduct to Ma'areches ha'Shamayim. They compared Him to a king who sits in an inner chamber, and left conduct of the country to his officers and advisors, to run it according to his rules without deviation. If so, honor is proper for Him, but not Oz or awe, for He cannot change anything. The verse teaches that Hashem deserves Kavod and Oz, for He conducts and He can override nature according to His desire, or a need for reward or punishment.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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