
Why should we tell the Goyim?


Radak (4): Then all of them will admit to Him.


Gra (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 16:24): They are a lower level than Am, so we tell them only His honor. We tell Nifle'osav to Amim, who are at a higher level. 1


Hagahah from the Gra's grandson: The one who wrote this in the name of the Vilna Gaon erred. Goy is a higher level - "va'Yhi Sham l'Goy" (Devarim 26:5) teaches that Yisrael were distinguished (Sifri Sham)! Am is a mere collection. Rather, to Goyim we tell His honor; to Amim, it suffices to tell His wonders.


What is "Kevodo"?


Radak: He honored you in the eyes of the Goyim, after you were disgraced and lowly among them.


Seforno: He is the Cause that nothing causes it, and acts as He wants.


Malbim: Until now, there were two groups among the Nochrim - Goyim and Amim (the latter are higher). The lower Goyim did not know of Hashem at all. The Amim knew that there is a First cause, but they did not know that He rules and supervises, and has ability to do in the entire creation as He desires. They thought that it is proper to honor Him for being the First cause, but not to bless Him or tell His wonders. Now, even the lower Goyim will recognize His honor, that He is the First cause, and the Amim, who already knew this, will recognize His wonders, and that He can change and uproot nature as He desires.

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