
Why does it say "Shiru la'Shem Barchu Shmo"?


Malbim: Together with the song, bless Him. Brachah is for the good and influence that one receives from Him. Nochrim do not recognize that He conducts and influences all good; they praise His name, but do not bless Him. You (Yisrael) should bless Him, for you know that He influences Brachah. Every day He renews the creation and makes new salvations sprout.


Why does it say "Baseru"?


Radak: Even though all will know the salvation, it will be dear in their eyes every day as if it happened then. Besorah is a new tiding; it is dear to a person the day that he hears it. Afterwards, its dearness diminishes. This Besorah will be different.


Malbim: Besorah is not for a common matter, e.g. that it became light in the morning. It always happens and must happen! Besorah is for something that does not come regularly. The verse teaches that also His constant salvation every day, taking out the luminaries, will be a Besorah, for it is not inevitable; it depends on His desire to renew the creation each day.


What is "mi'Yom l'Yom"?


Radak: It is constantly, every day.

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