
How does "Ki" explain the reason?


Rashi: The verse is abbreviated. It should say "for you said 'Hashem Machshi'" (therefore, He will protect you).


Radak: The author tells the Chasid, you will have Shalom because "you made Hashem your abode." He is also my refuge!


Malbim: Harm will not approach you, because "you made Hashem your abode, that He is Machsi. It is as if you do not dwell among the lower beings in this world, rather, in the supreme world, by Hashem, who is Machsi (the refuge of the angels; evil of the lower world does not reach them). Therefore, evil of this world will not affect you, just like it does not affect them.


What is "Elyon"?


Rashi: It is Hashem. (You made him your abode.)

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