
What is the meaning of "Lo Se'uneh Elecha Ra'ah"?


Sanhedrin 93a #1: The Yetzer ha'Ra will not rule over you. This verse was David's Brachah to Shlomo.


Sanhedrin 93a #2: You will not be scared by bad dreams or thoughts. "


Rashi: Even will not occur to you. This is like "veha'Elokim Inah l'Yado" (Shemos 21:13).


Malbim: If a person will want to do evil to you, the evil itself will not want to affect you.


What do we learn from "v''Nega Lo Yikrav b'Ohalecha"?


Sanhedrin 93a #1: You will not find your wife Safek Nidah when you return from a trip. (This pains a man. He suspects that she is Tehorah, and he is needlessly withheld from her at a time of great desire.)


Sanhedrin 93a #2: You will not have a son or Talmid who acts disgracefully in public.


Radak: A plague will not be among you, your wife and children.


Malbim: Even if the plague (a natural damager) is in your tent, it will not approach you; it is as if it does not want to harm you.

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