
What does this Mizmor discuss?


Radak (16): The entire Mizmor discusses salvation from damage. Therefore it is called Shir Shel Pega'im (Shevu'os 15b). It is a great secret for those who understand.


Malbim: It depicts that one of the Kadosh Bnei Elyon speaks to the one who prays, and answers him. He says, know that you dwell covertly above, from the aspect of your Nefesh, which dwells constantly in the hidden place of Hashem, and clings to its supreme source. From the aspect of your body, you are a man who lodges in the shade of Shakai. Hashem supervises over you with Hashgachah Pratis, and covers you in the shade of His wings.


Who composed this Mizmor?


Refer to 90:1:2:1.


Why does it say "Yoshev b'Seser Elyon"?


Rashi: One who takes refuge under the wings of the Shechinah, he lodges in His shade 1 ; Hashem protects over him. Moshe 'entices' people to do so.


Radak (from Shocher Tov): These 11 Mizmorim correspond to the 11 Brachos that he gave to 11 Shevatim. This Mizmor corresponds to Levi, who lodged in the Azaros.


Metzudas David: This is one who isolates himself in Avodas Hashem and investigating Torah secrets.


Rashi: This is like "b'Tzilo Chimadti v'Yashavti" (Shir ha'Shirim 2:3).


Why does it mention "Shakai"?


Rashi: This is an expression of strength.

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