
What is the meaning of "Shata"?


Radak: You placed. It should say Shatetah, similar to Kamta and Shavta. The Sav (the last letter of the root) is 'swallowed' in the Dagesh. It is written without a Hei at the end, and pronounced as if it has a Hei; these are the same. Sometimes a silent letter after a Kamatz is written, and sometimes it is not.


What is the meaning of "Shata Avonoseinu l'Negdecha"?


Radak: You see our sins constantly and punish us for them.


Malbim: The revealed anger is due to Aveiros. You put our sins opposite You, i.e. You considered the sin according to the grandeur of the One against whom we sinned - this makes the punishment great!


What is "Alumenu"?


Rashi: It is the sins of our youth 1 , like it says "Ben Mi Zeh ha'Alem" (Shmuel I, 17:56). Malbim - we already forgot them.


Radak #2: It is our Ne'elam (hidden) sin. It is "li'M'or Panecha" - nothing is hidden from You.


Radak: The Yud (after the Mem), to indicate the plural, is omitted.


What do we learn from "li'M'or Panecha"?


Rashi: [These sins] are in front of You, to look at them.


Radak: Nothing is hidden from You. Also our hidden sin is in front of You!


Malbim: You put [sins that we already forgot] in front of Your face, where there is no darkness or forgetting; everything is revealed and seen. It is as if He guards hidden anger for sins of youth.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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