Why did they need to say all this?
Rashi citing Shmuel, Brachos 48b: They spoke at length to have more time to look at Shaul's beauty -- "mi'Shichmo va'Ma'alah Gavoha mi'Kol ha'Am." (verse 2).
Brachos 48b: Women are naturally wordy.
R. Yochanan (Brachos 48b): The reign of each king is unchangeably fixed to a moment. (Shmuel needed to reign for a few extra moments before Shaul could begin his reign 1 .)
Radak 2 , Malbim: (11): Yesterday, Hashem had told Shmuel that Sha'ul will come (verse 16) "ka'Es Machar" (the same time, tomorrow). Hashem needed to delay Sha'ul a few extra moments.
Rashi (48b): Sha'ul received the authority from when Shmuel spoke with him. (Even though Yisrael did not know yet, they considered Shmuel to be their leader, and Shmuel put Sha'ul above himself. - PF)
Why did they need to say that no one will eat before he blesses?
Malbim: Hurry - he will not be late, for he knows that they will not eat before this. Also, he will rush for the Mitzvah.
What is the meaning of "Hu Yevarech ha'Zevach"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Hu Paris Mezona. Radak - i.e. he blesses on the loaf and cuts it. It says Zevach, for it is primary in the meal.
Rashi: He will bless on it Asher Kideshanu b'Mitzvosav v'Tzivanu Le'echol Es ha'Zevach (Tosefta Pesachim 10:13).
Why will they find him only today?
Malbim: Tomorrow he will leave, and go to his house.
Why does it say "cheha'Yom"?
Rashi: While the day lasts.
Radak: The prefix Kaf shows the truth of the matter, like "Hishav'ah Li ka'Yom" (Bereishis 25:33).