
Why does the Torah repeat "al-Pi Hashem Yachanu, ve'al-Pi Hashem Yisa'u ... "?


Seforno: To teach us that Yisrael followed instructions whether they encamped for an inconveniently short period or whether they traveled after they had encamped for a long time and were comfortably settled. 1


"Al-Pi Hashem Yachanu? teaches us that when they dismantled the Mishkan, it was as if they intended to re-erect it in the same location, 2 and that consequently,someone who dismantles a building with the intention of re-erecting it elsewhere is Patur on Shabbos. 3


It is not clear however, what the Torah is saying that it did not already say in Pasuk 20.


See Torah Temimah, note 40.


Not to mention if he does not intend to re-build it at all ? in which case we already know that he is Patur because it is ?Kilkul? (destructive)

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