
Why does it specify "Sarim ha'Medinos ha'Achashdarpanim veha'Pachos"?


Malbim: The Sarim did not fear the Jews, for they knew what was in the sealed letters, and they were authorized to strike them based on the first letters, or at least to be passive and not help either side. However, they did not do so. They honored the Jews to help them against their enemies, and hid the first letters. They did not fear the Jews; they feared Mordechai, lest he take vengeance against them.


Who are "Osei ha'Melachah"?


Rashi: They were appointed to do the king's needs.


What is the meaning of "Menas'im"?


Vilna Gaon: They honored.


Why does it say "Nafal Pachad Mordechai Aleihem"? Above (2, 8:17) it says "Pachdam", "Pachad ha'Yehudim"!


Vilna Gaon (2): Above refers to the commoners, who did not know Mordechai. The Sarim knew of Mordechai's grandeur; they feared him, for he was second to the king.

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