
Who is the Evyon (destitute) who will not be forgotten?


Rashi: It is Yisrael. Hashem will punish those who subjugated them. Malbim - this explains verse 18; this is why "Kol Goyim Shechechei Elokim" will go to Gehinom.


Radak: If Yisrael are afflicted via Pelishtim, this will not last long.


Will the hope of the poor be lost?


Radak, Malbim: No. "Lo" written above refers to also to this. We find like this in many verses. Malbim - their hope is that Hashem's kingship and dominance be revealed, to destroy all who forget His name and deny Him.


Why is "Aniyim" written with a Vov?


Radak: It is written like Anavim; the poor are usually humble.

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