What is Matzor?
Radak (5): It is a strong tower. The same applies to "va'Yoven Arei Metzuros" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 14:5). Targum Yonasan is like this.
What is the significance of building a Matzor?
Rashi: It says, who will bring me down to the land?
Radak, Malbim: All of this (also gathering silver and gold) did not help her. Malbim - it gathered wealth via its great trade: This is a Ma'amar Musgar (parenthetical comment). In his vision, he saw what will happen to Tzor and Pelishtim (which will also become part of Yisrael's inheritance) meanwhile (before Mashi'ach). Nebuchadnetzar totally destroyed Tzor. It was rebuilt elsewhere, and Alexander Mukdan built a bridge over the sea and destroyed it permanently. Our verse teaches that it built a fortified wall around it (after Nebuchadnetzar destroyed it) - but it did not help.
Radak (5): It will think to save itself via building [fortifications] and gathering silver and gold. It will not help, for "Hashem Yorishenah" (4).
What is the consequence of gathering silver and gold?
Rashi: It prides itself in its wealth.
Refer to 9:3:2:2.
What is "Charutz"?
Rashi: It is a kind of appearance of gold.
Radak (5): It is gold, like "bi'Yrakrak Charutz" (Tehilim 68:14). Also Yonason translates 'gold '.