
Why does it say "Asher Cherfu Oyvecha"?


Malbim: The reason why they insult me is because they are Your enemies. They dispute You and Your Divinity. Do (save us) for Your sake!


Why does it repeat "Asher Cherfu"?


Malbim: I have consolation, for I know that from their insults will come Mashi'ach; it is a Siman of his coming.


What is "Ikevos Meshichecha"?


Rashi: My end - Melech ha'Mashi'ach. This is like the Mishnah (Sotah 49b) says that in Ikevos ha'Mashi'ach, arrogance will increase.


Radak: It is the delay of Your Mashi'ach. He delayed so much, and they say that he will never come. Similarly, "v'Lo Ye'akvem Ki Yishama Kolo" (Iyov 37:4) means that He will not delay. Ekev is the end of the body.

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