
What is "Ne'artah"?


Rashi: You nullified.


Radak: You ruined it. The same applies to "Ni'er Mikdasho" (Eichah 2:7).


Malbim: Also You profaned the Bris. Corresponding to "Karati Bris li'Vchiri Nishbati l'David Avdi" (verse 4), i.e. You swore to him because he is Your servant - Emunah based on deeds, it says that You nullified "Bris Avdecha."


What is the meaning of "Chilalta la'Aretz Nizro"?


Radak: You profaned the crown on his head, and cast it to the ground.


Malbim: This corresponds to the Bris amidst Chesed - "li'Vchiri", "b'Shemen Kodshi Meshachtiv" (verses 4, 21), i.e. You chose him without reason. The crown of Kedushah that came due to the anointment, You profaned it and made it Chulin, and brought it down to the ground.

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