
How did anger pass over him?


Malbim: He suffered punishments.


What is "Bi'usecha"?


Radak: This is a noun, related to "v'Haman Niv'as" (Esther 7:6; great fear).


Malbim: It is constant fea about the future.


What is "Tzimesusuni"?


Radak: It is a hybrid of Tzimesuni and "Tzimesasuni" (119:139). There is no reason for this. It seems to me that the last letter of the root is doubled, with the plural pronoun (Shuruk under the latter Sav) to strengthen the matter. Leshon ha'Kodesh often doubles letters to strengthen the matter. Yerakrak is the most Yarok (yellow, or perhaps green) that there is; Adamdam is the most red that there is. Here it means that I was cut many times.

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