
What is the meaning of "v'Sharim k'Cholelim"?


Rashi: They will sing about this like people who dance.


Radak: The singers and flutists will all sing Your praise, and so will I. The prefix Kaf in k'Cholelim is like "Chelek k'Chelek Yochelu" (Devarim 18:8) - these are like these. All will answer You and sing to You.


Radak (7, from Shocher Tov): Just like the men will sing, also the women 1 . Cholelim are women - "Min ha'Mecholelos Asher Gazalu" (Shoftim 21:23). Women are wont to dance in Mecholos 2 .


Malbim: After mentioning the attributes of Yoshvei Tziyon over other nations, they will sing, saying "Kol Mayanai Bach." These springs of salvation are all in You. Tziyon is the source that from You these springs flow, and the influence from above and glory is found in the nation that dwells in Tziyon.


Radak: It is not difficult to say that the verse refers to women. We find "v'Chi Anachnu Mekatrim li'Melaches ha'Shamayim" (Yirmeyah 44:19).


Metzudas Tziyon (Yirmeyah 31:12) - these are dances of Simchah. Maharal (Be'er ha'Golah 4:13) and most say that it is dancing in a circle.


What is the meaning of "Kol Mayanai Bach"?


Radak #1: All the springs of my heart. My heart is a source for songs that will flow about You.


Radak #2: Mayanai is my Iyun (investigation) and Hashgachah are in You


Radak (from Shocher Tov): Just like a well flows new water constantly, so they will sing constantly.

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