What is the meaning of "Shuvenu"?
Rashi: You should return, and return us.
Radak: Refer to 85:2:2:2.
Malbim: This encompasses three requests. (a) "Shavta Shevus Yakov" (verse 2) - it was not a complete return, for they were still captive under the Reshus of Koresh. Also, the return was partially through Yisrael's efforts; he asks Hashem Himself to return us totally, and we will not be under another's Reshus. Also refer to 85:5:2:2, 85:5:3:2.
Why does it say "Elokei Yish'enu"?
Radak: Our salvation depends on You. You will save us, and not someone else.
Malbim: (b) "Ratzisa Hashem Artzecha" (verse 2) - due to Midas ha'Rachamim, but not based on Midas ha'Din. He asks that Elokim (Midas ha'Din) consent to the return.
What is the meaning of "Hafer Ka'ascha"?
Radak: Nullify Your anger.
Malbim: "Nasasa Avon Amecha" (verse 3), but the sin still exists. Anger could be aroused due to it! Nullify Your anger, so there will be no anger in existence at all.