
What are Saharonim and Netifos?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They are necklaces 1 and crowns.


Radak: Netifos are gold Kelim that hold Nataf (sap).


R. Avraham ben Shlomo: Netifos is Totefes (Shabbos 6:1), a gold ornament that goes from one ear to the other.


Some texts correct Rashi to say Saharanaya, like our text of Targum Yonasan here. Above (verse 21), he translated Inkaya (necklaces). (PF)


Above (verse 21), it said that he took only the ornaments on the camels. Why does it say here that he took also what was on the kings?


Divrei Tovah: Initially, Gid'on thought that he is not proper to rule in place of those kings, for he did not merit to strike the kings at once. Only after Yisrael asked him to be king, he acted like king monetarily.

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