
What is the meaning of "Al Tibahel mi'Panav Telech"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: Do not rush to go in front of Him.


Rashi: Do not panic, to say that you will flee to a place where He does not rule [Metzudas David - and cannot catch you, to do evil to you]. He rules everywhere! Rashbam - rather, go in front of Him, to guard His Mitzvos.


Ibn Ezra #1: We find like this [two verbs in succession], e.g. "v'Nede'ah Nirdefah" (Hoshe'a 6:3), "Al Tarbu Sedaberu" (Shmuel I, 2:3). It is as if the latter verb is infinitive - v'Nede'ah Lirdof, Al Tarbu Ledaber. Also here, Al Tibahel Laleches. Your heart should not rush to think that you can go away from Him.


Ibn Ezra #2: When two verbs are in succession, the prefix Shin is omitted from the latter 1 ; this is like Al Tibahel she'Telech.


Ralbag: Do not rush to go away from him when you engage in His Mitzvos, lest they seem to be a burden to you.


Ri Kara (based on the Midrash): Your Ru'ach should not befuddle you to go away from [a mortal king] and transgress his commands.


Ri Kara (6): The simple meaning refers to going away from His Mitzvos and the path that He commanded you to go on. Had it said Befanav Telech, I would explain 'go in front of Him.' However, mi'Panav Telech warns against going from Him and joining to a bad matter - idolatry.


Seforno: Do not be befuddled due to the multitude of Mitzvos. "Al" applies also to mi'Panav Telech (as if it said Al mi'Panav


Ibn Ezra: "V'Nede'ah Nirdefah" means that v'Nede'ah she'Nirdefah; Al Tarbu she'Sedaberu means Al Tarbu she'Sedaberu.


What is the meaning of "Al Ta'amod b'Davar Ra"?


R. Avigdor citing Koheles Zuta: We begin [Kri'as ha'Torah] and end with good matters. One may not stop in the middle of the curses 1 . One may stop in the middle of the Brachos.


Rashi: Do not establish yourself to engage in evil matters.


Rashbam: When you guard His Mitzvos, you will not stand in an evil deed.


Ri Kara: Do not stand in a place where they will counsel you to rebel against him (Ri Kara 6 - Him).


Seforno: Do not have the evil thought that "Kol Asher Yachpotz Ya'aseh" - Hashem does whatever He wants, without any reason or purpose.


Metzudas David: Do not stand in danger, to think that you will rebel against the king with confidence [that you can flee to escape punishment].


Koheles Zuta: Or, we learn this from "Imo Anochi v'Tzarah" (Tehilim 91:15) - Hashem does not want to be blessed amidst curses against His children. Yerushalmi (Megilah 3:7) learns from "Musar Hashem Beni Al Tim'as v'Al Takotz b'Sochachto" (Mishlei 3:11).


What is the relevance that Hashem does whatever He wants?


Rashi: He has the authority and ability to exact payment from you.


Rashbam: He can do all good to you, if you will do His Mitzvos.


Ri Kara: Nothing is withheld from him. When he hears you take counsel to rebel, he will do to you as he desires. (Ri Kara 6 - nothing is withheld from Him. When He hears

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