
Why does it say "va'Tomer"?


Vilna Gaon: This refers to Tefilah afterwards, like we will explain 1 .


It seems that he refers to his Perush on verse 4; refer to 8:4:2:1. (PF)


Why did she say "if it is good for the king", "if I found grace in front of him" and "if the matter is proper in front of the king"?


Vilna Gaon: Every request needs three conditions 1 . (a) The giver wants to give it. (b) The requester has grace in the eyes of the giver. (c) The matter is proper to do.


Malbim: One who fulfills his colleague's request, it is due to the requester, or the request. It can be because (a) the requester or the request found grace in his eyes, or (b) he hopes to get some benefit from the requester via fulfilling the request, or from the request itself when it is done. First she requested to fulfill if she or the request found grace in his eyes ("if I found grace", "if it is good for the king." She added, if he wants to get benefit from the request or the requester - "if the matter is proper in front of the king" (one who sits on the throne of nations, he benefit from doing what is just and straight), or " I am good in his eyes", and I will not die from seeing the affliction of my people. All four of these apply, so he must fulfill her request to take back the letters.


Above (7:3), he said that only the first two are needed! (PF)


Why did she add "and I am good in his eyes"?


Vilna Gaon: If he wants to keep me alive.


Malbim: Refer to 8:5:2:2.

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