
How will Pesa'im understand Armah?


Malbim: Armah is the opposite of being Pesi. A Pesi is estranged from the laws of Chachmah, for his heart is enticed to everything. He lacks prudence to investigate and think about his ways. Chachmah puts Armah - "Lases li'Fsayim Armah" (1:4).


Why does it say "u'Chesilim Havinu Lev"?


Malbim: Kesilim do not lack Chachmah. Sometimes a Kesil has great Da'as, but is estranged from the laws of Chachmah because images of desire and bad Midos rule over him. His heart - the power in the Nefesh that rules - cannot overpower his Yetzer. Therefore he argues with the laws of Chachmah that stand to oppose his desire. Chachmah tells them to make their hearts understand. They should learn to rule over their Ru'ach; their hearts must overpower their desires. Via this they will clear a path for Chachmah to make honor dwell in their palace.

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