
What does this verse teach?


Rashi: When I (David) see Your Shamayim (and works in it), I say "Mah Enosh Ki Sizkerenu


Why does it say "Ma'ase Etzbe'osecha"?


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: Just like there are 10 fingers 1 , there are 10 spheres [on which the celestial bodies rotate] - one each for the seven Kochvei Leket (the sun, moon and five closest planets), one of the Mazalos (12 constellations), one above the Mazalos, and Kisei ha'Kavod.


Malbim: Ma'ase Yadav includes what one made via a Shali'ach. Ma'ase Etzbe'osav is what the artisan himself made. The beauty of the moon and stars shows that Hashem Himself made them. The land is inferior, as if it was made via a Shali'ach.


Even though Hashem is not physical, He made man "b'Tzelem Elokim" (Bereishis 1:27). Since man has 10 fingers, we infer that Hashem has 10 Midos of Etzba. (I heard like this in the name of Rav Gifter. - PF)


Why does the verse omit the sun?


Radak #1: He said this Mizmor at night, when he saw [only] the moon and stars.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: During the day one sees only the sun. At night, one sees a giant legion; therefore, he mentioned only the latter.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra citing others: "Tenah Hocha Al ha'Shamayim" (verse 2) hints to the sun.


Why does it say "Asher Konanta"?


Radak (5): This refutes those who say that the world is Kadmon (always existed). You made [the moon and stars] new [from nothing].

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