
What is the meaning of "Ki Zera ha'Shalom"?


Radak: Your seed will be for Shalom and Brachah, to the point that they will call it "Zera ha'Shalom."


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Your seed will be Shalom.


Malbim: This Shalom will be the seed that helps also for tree fruits and the land. The land will answer the grain, wine and oil, Shamayim will answer the land and give its dew, and I will answer Shamayim via Shalom.


When will Hashem 'bequeath' all of this to "She'eris ha'Am"?


Radak #1: It will be in Bayis Sheni, if they will guard Hashem's Mitzvos.


Radak #2: It will be in the days of Mashi'ach. The coming verse supports this. It discusses Beis Yehudah and Beis Yisrael. Beis Yisrael (the 10 tribes) did not return in Bayis Sheni!


Malbim: This will be like an inheritance, which remains with them forever.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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