
Why does it say "ba'Choshech"?


Radak: They think that Hashem does not see what they do in their rooms in darkness. David said about such people "Gam Choshech Lo Yachshich Mimeka" (Tehilim 139:12).


What are "Chadrei Maskiso"?


Rashi: They are [rooms] covered with a marble floor. Maskiso is like "v'Sakosi 1 Chapi" (Shemos 33:22).


There, Rashi explained it to be an expression of protection! (PF)


Why do they say that Hashem left the land?


Radak: He does not supervise lower beings at all, only upper beings - the Galgalim and angels. People can do as they want. Resha'im said "Avim Seser Lo v'Lo Yir'eh v'Chug Shamayim Yis'halech" (Iyov 22:14).


Malbim: Hashem left the land in the hands of the Ma'arachah; He does not supervise. Therefore they serve idolatry to find favor with the officers of the Ma'arachah and the Heavenly legions.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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