Who are "ha'Yeladim Asher Nasan Li Hashem"?
Rashi: They are of Yeshayah 1 .
Rashi, from Bereishis Rabah 42:14: They are Talmidim, who are dear to me like children.
Radak: They are She'ar Yashuv (7:3) and "Maher Shalal Chash Baz" (8:3).
Malbim (3): The first was Achaz' son, and the second was Yeshayah's. They are not [both] my children; rather, He gave them to me for signs (refer to 8:3:2:2*).
What are the "Osos u'Mofesim"?
Rashi: They are (a) a sign of punishments of Pekach - he called his son "Maher Shalal Chash Baz" (8:3), and (b) the salvation via natural means or people of Beis David, like he called his son Imanu'el (7:14).
Rashi, from Bereishis Rabah 42:14: The Talmidim are a sign that Torah will exist in Yisrael via them.
Radak: My actions for a sign, i.e. writing the scroll, and calling the names to my sons, was not my idea. It was from Hashem; He will save us from Melech Aram and Melech Ashur.