
What fire consumed the young men?


Rashi: His Evrah (anger).


Rashi citing Shocher Tov: This refers to Nadav and Avihu 1 .


Radak: This is a metaphor for war - "Ki Esh Yatz'ah me'Cheshbon" (Bamidbar 21:28). Malbim - in a war of a Mitzvah, even a Chasan leaves his room and a Kalah leaves her Chupah 2 (Sotah 44b).


Rashi: This is difficult. The verses already began discussing Mishkan Shilo!


Radvaz (Hilchos Melachim 7:4): The Kalah does not fight, just since her Chasan leaves his room, she leaves her Chupah. Alternatively, she supplies water and food for her Chasan.


What is the meaning of "Lo Hulalu"?


Rashi: [The virgins] were not crowned with a canopy and Chupah; the young men died in the war. Hulalu is like Hilula (wedding) in Arame'ic. Radak - had they lived, they would have married the virgins. We find that Chupah is called 'Beis Hilula' (Kidushin 32b), for they are Mehalel (praise) the Chasan and Kalah.


Radak (105:5): They did not rejoice 1 .


Radak (105:5): Even though Chupah is called 'Bei Hilula', we can say that Hilul is an expression of praise.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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