
Where did the Slav fall?


Radak: It was "b'Kerev ha'Machanehu" (in the camp - va'Yitosh Al ha'Machaneh 1 " (Bamidbar 11:31), and also "Saviv l'Mishkenosav" - "Sevivos ha'Machaneh" (ibid).


Malbim: They were "b'Kerev ha'Machanehu Saviv l'Mishkenosav" (right near their tents), even though birds' nature is to distance from people.


Some say that "Al ha'Machaneh" is by (outside) the camp! Refer to Bamidbar 11:31:152:2, 11:32:3:2 and the notes there.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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