
Why is Azkir written with a Yud, and we pronounce it with a Vov?


Radak: The Kesiv (Hif'il) teaches that I will mention to others. The pronunciation teaches that when I remember it, I am consoled.


What are "Ma'alelei Kah"?


Malbim: Ma'alelim are actions that come out of natures and Midos of the Nefesh. Regarding Hashem, they are done due to His Midos - mercy, grace, Chesed, punishment


What are "Pil'echa"?


Radak: The wonders that You did in Egypt. They were matters that one does not hope for; they do not cross one's mind. Just like He did them after despair, so may He do for us in this Galus, even though we despair due to its length.


Malbim: Miracles that override nature.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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