
Why does it say "Yatza me'Chelev Einemo"?


Rashi: Their eyes stick out amidst great obesity. A thin person, his eyes are recessed.


Radak: Amidst great obesity, it seems that their eyes left, and they have no eyes. Amidst fatness of the face, the eyes are covered.


Radak citing a Midrash: Their eyes go out from the fatty matters that they eat, and [these matters] rest under their eyes, and cause their eyes to jut out. From poverty and tears, one's eyes recess. Bnei Korach say "Eini Da'avah Mini Oni" (88:10).


Malbim: The Ervah of Chamas cleaves and breaks out, from the fat of their eyes. The verse depicts that their eyes are unlike other people's eyes; they pass through the subconscious of their hearts. Their hearts see and desire more than their eyes see. One who has 100 wants 200. Their eyes attain more than their hearts desire. Even though the necklace of pride covers the Ervah of their theft, still their theft exudes and is visible to all from the fat of their eyes. All that their eyes see, even if their hearts did not desire it, they take it forcibly.


Why does it say "Avru Maskiyos Levav"?


Radak: The Targum of Mitzpah (Bereishis 31:49) is Sachusa, and the heart is called Sechvi - "Mi Nasan la'Sechvi Vinah" (Iyov 38:36). He is like one who mentally sees things. I.e. all that their hearts saw from goods of this world that will come to them, Even more than they thought came to them.


Radak citing Shocher Tov: You gave to them far more than they request. One who was consent to be a stick-bearing officer, You made him a duke. One who was consent to be a ruler, You made him the head general. You exceeded over all that they consented to.


Malbim: Refer to 73:7:1:4.

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