
What is the meaning of "Avo bi'Gevuros"?


Rashi: I will come to thank and praise Your Gevurah.


Radak: When I come to fight the one opposite me, I do not come with the strength of the Giborim with me. I do not trust in their strength, rather, in Your Gevurah!


Malbim: I will be distinguished from all who tell Your praise. They attain Gevuros Hashem only regarding another matter. Since they saw that You saved them from their Tzarah, they know Your Gevurah. They did not attain Your Gevuros by themselves, only together with a salvation - overcoming an enemy or other evils. I enter Gevuros Hashem themselves; Hashem's perfection is intrinsic, and His Gevuros are within His strength, even if they are not seen externally.


Why did he say "Azkir Tzidkasecha Levadecha"?


Radak: Tzedakah is only from You.


Malbim: I will not mention Your Tzedakah based on what revealed to people, rather, according to what it must be based on Elokus; His Gevurah and Tzedakah are always acting.

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