
Will he tell Hashem's salvation the entire day?


Radak: He will tell it all days. The same applies to "Osecha Kivisi Kol ha'Yom" (25:5).


Malbim: I will tell Your virtue, that Your salvation is the entire day. I cannot exist for a moment without You; I constantly need salvation!


What is the meaning of "Lo Yadati Seforos"?


Rashi: I cannot count the acts of Tzedakah and salvations that You did for me [Radak - because You constantly do good things for me. Seforos is a noun, like Misparim. The grammatical form of Seforah is like Besorah.


Malbim: Every moment I received 1,000 miracles that I cannot count at all.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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