
What is the meaning of "va'Adas le'Umim Tesovevecha"?


Rashi: If troops of nations would pursue You to save them, do not heed their voice. Distance them, and return to Your place above.


Radak: Adas is the Klal that includes all of Yisrael. Le'Umim are the individuals - the 12 Shevatim. They are called le'Umim, Amim and Goyim, like Yitzchak told Yakov "v'Hayisa li'Khal Amim" (Bereishis 28:3), and Hashem told Yakov "Goy v'Kahal Amim Yihyeh Mimeka" (ibid., 35:11). The 12 Shevatim together are called Kahal and Edah. If le'Umim applied to Nochrim 1 , it would not say va'Adas, for they are not included in one congregation. Each nation is an Edah by itself. It was known in Yisrael that Hashem told Shmuel to anoint David to be king. In the place where he was anointed, all know that Shmuel did not do so on his own. When he saw Eli'av, the oldest, he said "Ach Neged Hashem Meshicho"; Hashem told him that he erred, Eli'av will not be king. When David came, Hashem told Shmuel to anoint him Shmuel I, 16:6-7, 12). One who chases [to kill] David is like one who chases Hashem. One who surrounds him to capture him is like one who surrounds Hashem - "ha'Noge'a Bachem Noge'a b'Vavas Eino (Zecharyah 2:12).


Malbim: Kush and his congregation will surround You, as if they are ready to prosecute against me in front of You, to punish me harsher than You commanded. This is Evrah, past the proper limit.


Radak: Notzerim erred and said that the verse applies to their savior; va'Adas le'Umim are Goyim that converted to their creed. They infer from "v'Aleha la'Marom Shuvah" that He descended to take flesh (put part of Himself in a person). Refute them - the Mizmor began and explained whom it is about (Kush)! Also, [if it is about their savior], it was in vain, if he is G-d. If the Tefilah was for the flesh, it did not help! If they will say that he wanted to be hung, it was folly to pray for [salvation] that he does not want! Also, most of the Mizmor discusses one enemy; their savior had many enemies!


What is the meaning of "v'Aleha la'Marom Shuvah"?


Rashi #1: Refer to 7:8:1:1.


Rashi #2: Show them that You have the upper hand.


Radak: This is like verse 7 "Kumah

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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