
Why does it say "Karah va'Yachperehu"?


Radak: The matter is repeated in different words. He dug a pit for me to fall in it, and he will fall in it. This was a Nevu'ah that Sha'ul will die via the sword.


Malbim: Keriyah is the beginning of digging. In the parable, the semen of sin was absorbed. Va'Yachperehu (completing the digging) corresponds to pregnancy - he guarded his evil and engaged in it totally, like a woman who guards her fetus at the time of pregnancy. Va'Yipol b'Shachas Yif'al corresponds to birth of Sheker. People who hunt Chayos, they cover a deep pit for the Chayah to fall in it and be destroyed. When he digs the pit to catch people, he himself is caught in it - "Chofer Gumatz Bo Yipol" (Koheles 10:8). The final act (birth) is not like he planned - this is birth of Sheker. Aven is the evil deed done with sin and extortion, without Mishpat. Amel is the bad intent to harm.


Why does it say "va'Yipol (past tense) b'Shachas Yif'al"?


Radak: Past tense used in place of future [this is common in Nevu'ah], like I explained (refer to 3:5:2:1).

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