
What is "ha'Ratok"?


Rashi: It is a chain. This is a sign that they will go to Galus bound in fetters. Radak - normally, captives are taken in iron chains.


What is "Mishpat Damim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is people who are Chayav Misah. Radak - they are all Chayav Misah for spilling innocent blood and transgressing capital Aveiros. "Mishpat Maves la'Ish ha'Zeh" (Yirmeyah 26:11) is like Mishpat Damim.


Malbim: Murder was common in the land.


Why does it say that the city is full of Chamas?


Radak: This is another reason why they deserve to be exiled from the land. Settlement of the land cannot last with theft.


Malbim: Even though there was no murder in Yerushalayim, it was full of theft. They deserved to be eradicated due to murder and theft.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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