
Was this the entire time from Yetzi'as Egypt?


Radak: Yes. Every generation had sinners. In most generations, most were sinners, even though I constantly warned them via Nevi'im.


Malbim: Yes - they did not go forwards once 1 , even though I rebuked them via all My Nevi'im.


This is difficult. They camped at Har Sinai 'like one man, with one heart!' (Rashi and Targum Yonasan, Shemos 19:2. I.e. their sole intent was to receive the Torah! - PF)


What is "Yom Hashkem v'Shalo'ach"?


Rashi: Every day, I was early to send [Nevi'im to fix them]. Radak - most warning was in the morning, before man goes to his work.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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