What does "Kol Eleh" refer to?
Radak: It is the houses mentioned - Beis Hashem, his house, Beis Mishpat, Beis Bas Pharaoh and their Chatzeros.
What are "Yekaros"?
Refer to 5:31:2:1-3 and the note there.
What is "k'Midos Gazis"?
Rashi: Like the measure of cut rocks; they had a known measure in the country. Radak - in the days of the Gemara, this was five Tefachim 1 (Bava Basra 2a).
What are "Meguraros ba'Megerah"?
Radak: They are cut with a saw. They are smoother and straighter than rocks cut with chisels.
Malbim: They were sawed, and slope on the inside and outside.
What is "mi'Bayis umi'Chutz"?
Radak: They were sawed on both sides.
What is the meaning of "umi'Masad Ad ha'Tefachos"?
Rashi: The entire height of the building was from these rocks, from the foundation until the ceiling beams. Masad is the foundation, and ha'Tefachos is the ceiling beams - "vi'Ymini Tipchah Shamayim" (Yeshayah 48:13). Radak - they are called Tefachos because the rocks on which we place the ceiling beams jut out a Tefach from the wall.
What is "umi'Chutz"?
Rashi: On the outside, [all of these walls were from these rocks].
Gra: "Umi'Chutz Ad ha'Chatzer ha'Gedolah" means from one end to the other.
Why does it say "Ad ha'Chatzer ha'Gedolah"?
Radak: The building was like this until the big Chatzer, but the big Chatzer was different - "Sheloshah Turei Gazis v'Tur Kerusos Arazim" (6:36).
Refer to 7:9:7:2.