
Why does it say "Kol ha'Pesachim"? Were they mentioned above?


Rashi: A summer house of kings has many openings for air. Therefore it is called Beis Ya'ar, for it is like a forest. Malbim - the openings were along the width of the house, on both sides.


What is the meaning of "Revu'im Shakef"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They were square and covered with poles. The openings were covered with thin square boards, like openings of other houses. They and the doorposts were not like a dome, like the openings of the Ulam.


Radak: This is like Mashkof. Also the lintel above the opening was square. It was a window to see through it who calls at the gate.


Malbim: It was Mashkof (lintel) above Mashkof. There were three windows on the openings, each with a Mashkof over it, and a fourth Mashkof over the opening.


Why does it say "u'Mul Mechezeh"?


Rashi: It was opposite the other end. The end of one plank was opposite the end of another, three times in each ceiling. I do not know how this was.


Malbim: The openings and the windows on them were opposite each other in the rows of pillars along the length of the house in a straight line.


Why does it say "u'Mul


Gra #1: There were openings in all three spaces.


Gra #2: There were four openings opposite each other. Each of the four rows of pillars had an opening; each of the last three was Mul (opposite) the one before it. There were only three windows, therefore it does not say Mul regarding them.


Malbim: There were three openings in every row.

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