
What are the Luchos?


Radak: They are the "Sarnei Nechoshes" (verse 30).


What did he engrave, and on what?


Rashi: [He made the forms of Keruvim, lions and date trees] on the Luchos and the lower Misgeros.


Radak: He made Yados on the Luchos [and the forms of Keruvim, lions and date trees on the Misgeros].


Gra, Malbim #2: He made the forms [of Keruvim, lions and date trees] on the Luchos, Yados and Misgeros. 1


Malbim #1: He made the forms on the Luchos of the Yados, and on the Misgeros.


Gra: The base entered the hole in the mouth of the Mechonah, and the bottom of the Kiyor was on it. Above this the Kiyor was wide, and the Luchos, Yados and Misgeros supported the Kiyor.


What is the meaning of "k'Ma'ar Ishah v'Loyos"?


Rashi (citing Yuma 54a-b): It is like a male and female hugging each other with their hands. Ma'ar refers to holding and sticking, like a male interlocked with a female. "V'Loyos" is like v'Livyaso (the one who accompanies him, i.e. his wife).


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: Loyos is an expression of sticking (the forms were fastened to the Misgeros). Radak - the prefix Vov is superfluous, like "Nirdam v'Rechev va'Sus" (Tehilim 76:7). Also Ma'ar is an expression of sticking, like "v'Kir Erah Magen" (Yeshayah 22:6) and Me'urah bi'Terafsheha (Chulin 46a).


Malbim: Each form seemed to be interlocked and rooted there. This is like "u'Mis'areh k'Ezrach Ra'anan" (Tehilim 37:35). Really, they were only stuck on via fastening.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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