
What is the meaning of "k'Hindof Ashan"?


Rashi: Like vanishes. Like smoke disappears, so make them vanish.


Malbim: This explains how Hashem will scatter His enemies. Just like in the Midbar, You led Yisrael during the day via a cloud, also now Hashem should be like a cloud of smoke that destroys the eyes. Just like in the Midbar, You led Yisrael at night via a pillar of fire, and the cloud scattered them, also now Hashem should be like a fire to eradicate His enemies, like fire melts wax - "u'Vara Hashem Al Kol Mechon Har Tziyon


What is the meaning of "Mipnei Elokim"?


Rashi: From in front of the Aron in the days of Moshe. "Uv'Nuchah Yomar Shuvah Hashem 1


Rashi brings the verse to show that the Aron is called 'Hashem'. (PF)


What is "Donag"?


Radak: It is wax.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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