
What sign will He put?


Rashi: I will put on the remnants (refer to 66:19:2:1) one of the Osos with which their colleagues were judged, to inform distant lands of the plague that struck the armies that came against Yerushalayim. Malbim - "v'Zos Tihyeh ha'Magefah" (Zecharyah 14:2).


Radak: This is like it says "v'Einav Timaknah v'Choreihen" (Zecharyah 14:12). Those who go to the [distant] Goyim will be testimony of the great act that Hashem did to Gog and Magog.


Who are the "Peleitim"?


Rashi: They are those who escape the war. I will leave them in order to inform the distant islands 1 of My honor that they saw in the war. Radak - this is like it says "v'Hayah Kol ha'Nosar mi'Kol ha'Goyim ha'Ba'im Al Yerushalayim v'Alu Midei Shanah v'Shanah..." (Zecharyah 14:16).


Radak: They are the ones who did not come to Yerushalayim and hear of Hashem's honor.


Who are "Moshechei Keshes"?


Radak: They are the Turks.


Why must the remnant go to Tuval? Gog is "Nesi Rosh Meshech v'Suval" (Yechezkel 38:2; Bnei Tuval will come with him)!


Radak: Surely many Goyim will remain in their land. Only warriors will go to Yerushalayim. The remnant of the warriors will tell those who remained in their lands.


What is the meaning of "Lo Sham'u Es Shim'i v'Lo Ra'u Es Kevodi"?


Malbim: They still serve idolatry; they do not know of Elokei Yisrael. They did not see My honor in the war of Gog and Magog.

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