
Who are "ha'Miskadeshim [veha'Metaherim]"?


Rashi: They designate - I and you will go on such and such day to serve idolatry Ploni.


Radak, Malbim: They feign to sanctify and purify themselves. Radak - it should say Mistaharim, for it is Hispa'el conjugation, like ha'Miskadeshim. He does so himself, like "v'Hisbarech bi'Lvavo" - he was not blessed, just he himself thinks that he will be blessed. Also "mi'Miskabed va'Chasar Lechem" (Mishlei 12:9) - he portrays himself to be honored and rich, but really he lacks bread. Also here, ha'Miskadeshim - they show themselves to be Kedoshim, but really, they are Temei'im, and similarly, ha'Metaherim. This refers to the Persians; they purify their bodies and constantly bathe themselves, but they are Temei'im and filthy via their evil deeds. They feign to be Tehorim, but they are not.


Why does it mention the gardens?


Rashi: They plant vegetables there, and there they set up idolatry.


Radak: This refers to the ponds in the gardens.


Malbim: They isolate themselves in gardens.


Why does it say "Achar Achas"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Group after group. One group prepares and purifies itself [to serve the idolatry] after the other group finishes.


Radak #1: They go after the big, special pond in the garden. There they bathe their bodies, and their deeds are repulsive there with Zenus. It is written it is written Achad, and we pronounce it Achas, to refer to a Mayan (spring, which is masculine) or Berechah (pond, feminine).


Radak #2: This refers to Asheros in the garden. Now there are not Asherah worshippers [here]; perhaps there are in the ends of the land.


Malbim: They go after an image of idolatry.


What is the significance of "ba'Tavech"?


Rashi: The custom was to put the idolatry in the middle.


Radak: Refer to 66:17:3:2.


Malbim: The image is amidst them. They think that it is an intermediary between them and divinity.


Why does it mention that they eat pork and vermin?


Radak: This refers to the Persians, who eat them.


Why does it say "Yachdav Yasufu"?


Radak #1: [They will perish together] in the war of Gog and Magog. These kingdoms overpower in this world. This is the fourth kingdom in Daniel's vision. Both of them are considered one kingdom, for one of them did not rule alone in the world.


Radak #2: Some explain that this verse refers to Yisrael 1 .


Radak: This is wrong. The Parashah discusses the future, in the days of Gog and Magog; there are not now in Yisrael those who eat pork and vermin and serve the Asherah!

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