Why did He spread His hands?
Rashi: It was to accept them in Teshuvah.
Malbim: I went to them, requested them and sought them.
What is "Kol ha'Yom"?
Malbim: All the days, constantly.
What is "Sorer"?
Rashi: It veers from the path.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I sent My Nevi'im.
Why does it say "Lo Tov"?
Radak: It is a bad path. Verses often speak like this, e.g. "Yisyatzev Al Derech Lo Tov" (Tehilim 36:5), "Asher Lo Tehorah Hi" (Bereishis 7:2) and similar verses.
Why does it say "Achar Machshevoseihem"?
Malbim: They did not go on a bad path due to a mistake. Rather, it was based on their intent. They thought which path to take, and chose the bad path, amidst heresy and denial.