
What was never heard?


Rashi: Such wonders were not done for Nochrim.


Malbim: We never heard of such wonders, and did not hope for them.


What is the meaning of "Ayin Lo Ra'asa Elokim Zulasecha Ya'aseh li'Mechakeh Lo"?


Rashi citing R. Yosi: No one saw another god do for one who waited for it, what You did for the one who waited for You.


Rashi citing Brachos 34b #1: All the Nevi'im prophesized only about Yemos ha'Mashi'ach, but the world to come, no one other than Hashem saw it. 1


Brachos 34b #2: All prophetic visions of future reward were only for one who marries off his daughter to a Chacham, or does business on behalf of a Chacham, or lets a Chacham benefit from his possessions. No prophet ever had a vision of the reward in the world to come for a Chacham.


Brachos 34b #3: Prophets prophesized about the reward awaiting Ba'alei Teshuvah, but the reward for Tzadikim who never sinned, "Ayin Lo Ra'asah..." 2


Brachos 34b #4: "Ayin Lo Ra'asah..." is wine that has been guarded in the grape since the six days of creation (Chidushei Torah that were never revealed to any person).


Brachos 34b #5: "Ayin Lo Ra'asah..." is Eden, no created being ever saw it. Adam ha'Rishon was in Gan Eden.


Radak: No god did for those who wait for it, other than You.


Malbim: You did unprecedented wonders for those who did not hope for them - all the more so You should do so for us, that we hope for them, and already heard and saw them!


Brachos 34b: This is unlike Shmuel, who says that the only difference between this world and Yemos ha'Mashi'ach is that the kingdoms will cease to rule over Yisrael.


Brachos 34b: This is unlike R. Avahu, who says that Ba'alei Teshuvah have a greater reward than Tzadikim who never sinned.

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