
Why did he say "Ken ba'Kodesh Chazisicha"?


Rashi: "Ken" is like Ka'asher. I thirst to see Your strength and honor, the way I saw You in the Mikdash, i.e. Mishkan Shilo. Seeing this will satiate my Nefesh!


Radak: Just like one who is thirsty, so I desire to see You in the Kodesh place.


Malbim: Even though my Nefesh sees You in Kodesh, for sight of the Nefesh is in intellectual vision and Ru'ach ha'Kodesh - so I see Your grandeur and Shechinah! I thirst and yearn that just like I saw so intellectually, so my physical eye will see in Your city and in Your Heichal. This is why regarding Uzecha and Kevodecha it says "Lir'os" - seeing with the eyes, not only intellectually.


What is "Uzecha"?


Radak: It is the Aron; this is also Kevodecha, for the honor dwelled there.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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