
What is the meaning of "la'Mitz'ar Yarshu Am Kodshecha"?


Rashi: Their grandeur and inheritance was a short time. Radak - they were in it only 410 years 1 , and most of Yisrael still did not return to it.


Malbim: We request only for a small part of what Your Am Kadosh inherited. Return to Ir ha'Kodesh and the Mikdash, that it not be desolate! I.e. we are pained about and request only about this - not for inheritance of fields and vineyards.


Why does he ignore the 440 years in Eretz Yisrael before Bayis Rishon? Perhaps "Yarshu" hints to the Beis ha'Mikdash, just like "Ki Lo Vasem... El ha'Menuchah v'El ha'Nachalah" (Devarim 12:9). (PF)


What is "Bosesu"?


Rashi: They threshed.


Radak: They trampled [Your Mikdash - a place of honor where only individuals entered.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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