
What is the meaning of "Az Tir'i v'Nahart"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: You will see and [Radak - your face will] be bright. Radak - The root of Tir'i is Ra'ah. Many (e.g. Ibn Ezra) erred, and put a Gaya 1 under the Tov, i.e. the root is Yarei (fear). V'Nahart is like "v'Al Tofa Alav Naharah" (Iyov 3:4), "Hibitu Elav v'Naharu" (Tehilim 34:6).


Malbim: He will be like one who sees something that never crossed his mind. He does not believe himself if he truly saw it - perhaps he imagined it - until v'Nahart, he looks carefully and sees that he truly saw it.


This is a minor accent, two syllables before the true accent. They hold that there is a Shva Na under the Reish, so it is considered a syllable. (PF)


What will you see?


Radak: You will see your children coming from every side.


What is "u'Fachad"?


Rashi: You will be astounded. Radak - this is like a person who is startled by great good that comes suddenly.


Malbim: It is fear - perhaps the matter will be bad for him! Refer to 60:6:2:2, 60:7:1:3, 60:8:1:2.


Why does it say that your heart will widen?


Radak: Just like the heart constricts due to evil, affliction and mourning, it widens due to good and Simchah (the great nation that will come to you). Malbim - this will be after he clarifies that it will be good for him. Refer to 60:6:2:2, 60:7:1:3, 60:9:3:1.


What is the meaning of "Yehafech Alayich Hamon Yam"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Will transfer to you wealth of the west.


Radak: You were destroyed and desolate. Now you will be the opposite; many nations will come to you like the multitude of the sea.


Malbim: It is as if the multitude of the sea was reversed on you - all seafarers will turn to come to you.


What is "Cheil Goyim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: The property of star-worshippers.

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