
Where should your eyes go around?


Malbim: To the four directions of the world.


Whom does "Kulam" refer to?


Radak: Your sons and daughters. Targum Yonasan is 'the entire nation of your Galus.' After the pronoun {Kulam} the verse explains "Banaayich... u'Vnosayich. This is like "va'Tir'ehu Es ha'Yeled" (Shemos 2:6) and similar verses.


Why did they gather?


Malbim: It is not for war, rather, to come to learn Torah.


What is the meaning of "Al Tzad Te'amenah"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Emunos will be on the flanks of kings.


Radak: This is [raising a child,] like "Ka'asher Yisa ha'Omen Es ha'Yonek" (Bamidbar 11:12). The Nun in Te'amenah is for feminine plural (like "va'Tipachnah" - Bereishis 3:7). It should have a Dagesh (like Ha'azenah" - ibid., 4:23), for the Nun of the root is omitted. My father says that Te'amenah is singular; the Nun is from the root. The Hei is extra, like "v'Sikrav v'Savo'ah 1 " (5:19). Even though it says u'Vnosayich, it refers to each one in the singular. "Al Tzad" refers to the side of kingship and authority -"v'Saroseihem Menikosayich" (49:23).


This is Kli Paz' text of Radak. 'Va'Sikravnah v'Savonah' is a mistake, for those words are plural! (PF)

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