What is "Shecho'ach"?
Radak: This is a noun. Its grammatical form is like Gavo'ah. It is like "Tachtav Shachacho" (Iyov 9:13).
Malbim: The Nochrim who afflicted you with harsh afflictions, they will come to you bowed, to appease you.
Who are "Bnei Me'anayich"?
Radak: Those who afflicted you in Galus, and they died. Their children will come to you bowed. The verse addresses Yerushalayim; Me'anayich are those who afflicted your children (Yisraelim).
What is "Al Kapos Raglayich"?
Radak: On the Kaf Regel of your children, i.e. where their feet walked. The Kaf is on bottom (they cannot bow on it)!
Who are "Mena'atzayich"?
Malbim: They did not afflict you, just they despised and disgraced you. You were not esteemed in their eyes. They need not appease you; they will bow on your feet amidst your great esteem.
Why is it called "Ir Hashem"?
Radak: His honor will be seen in it.
What is "Tziyon Kedosh Yisrael"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Tziyon, which the Kadosh of Yisrael chose.
Malbim: Yerushalayim is Ir Hashem. Tziyon is where Hashem is revealed more via influence of his Ru'ach ha'Kodesh based on Yisrael's Kedushah and their deeds.