What is the meaning of "va'Yhi Chen"?
Rashi (from Ta'anis 3a): There was dew on the wool more than on other places. However, the ground was not dry, for there is a Bris that dew is not held back.
What is the meaning of "va'Yashkem mi'Macharas"?
Radak #1: He rose the next morning.
Radak #2: Perhaps all of this was in a prophetic vision at night, and it seemed to him that he rose. 1
Radak: It is more likely that this actually occurred, and it was not a mere vision.
What is the meaning of "va'Yizer"?
Rashi: He pressed (Radak - squeezed) it. This is like "Lo Zoru v'Lo Chubashu" (Yeshayah 1:6) - they were not wrapped tightly [with bandages] to remove the moisture. 1
Ibn Ezra explains close to this there. Rashi and most Meforshim there explain Zoru to be curing or putting medicinal powder on the wound. (PF)